The Council is committed to open access to information and the principles on which this policy is based. The Council will comply with legislation on Freedom of Information and Access to Information, and in particular will –
(a) Seek to make the public aware of their statutory rights to information.
(b) Make information available in response to all reasonable requests from the public unless it falls within an exempted category, as defined in the Local Government Act 1972;
(c) Give written reasons where it is decided to withhold access to information.
(d) Respect fully personal privacy and confidentiality in accordance with the law.
(e) Allow individuals to see and request the correction of all personal information held on them by the Council.
(f) Give written reasons where it is decided not to amend the information.
(g) Make available explanatory material on the Council’s dealings with the public, including, where they exist, rules, procedures, internal guidance to officers and administration manuals; and
(h) Will not grant access to –
(i) Information which, if disclosed, might prejudice enforcement action the Council is taking, or intending to take, to enforce legislation, regulations or rules;
(ii) Information which the Council is not permitted by law to disclose;
(iii) Information relating to the prevention, investigation or prosecution of a crime;
(iv) Information which is defamatory; and
(v) Requests for information which are vexatious or excessive.